Back to the sec 2 days. We've clipped up out hair so we'll look like our sec 2 selves!
Kaiying, Anna, Siyun, Alicia and Ashley came to my house today for a BEIJING gathering! We also asked Annia to come but she was at the movies, next time k! :D
We should have some bbq with ALL the bj girls, meaning all the above & erica & isabel! :D
I've uploaded the pictures onto my new LJ account, click on the pictures and save them!
The original intention for today's gathering was to watch the bj video. Wouldn't really say it was professionally filmed though, it wasvery boring as it only showed us walking here and there.
Saw some classic scenes though xD
1) ashley was tickling anna, and anna got a shock after seeing the camerawoman right behind her and said "AIYERR" (somewhere along the lines of that). Her expression was priceless. that "omg so scary" look with hands around her xD
2) the camerawoman was filming all of us (incl. 2B/2C people), we saw isabel's face then suddenly the speakers went "PLOP" and isabel disappeared from the screen, yuheng was staring down the floor with that "OMG WHAT HAPPENED" look i swear it was damn funny we replayed that scene a few times. All of us were rolling around the bed laughing ROFL DAMN FUNNY.
3) the camerawoman likes us cause she keeps taking videos of the 8 of us hehe ^_^
wasn't anything much so we clicked on the photos instead. LOADS of them. Group photos, photos of the CUTE girl, the BIG PIECE OF SHIT at xiangshan, the hostel, our lessons, toilets..we really became close friends after the beijing trip aye? and
I used bring my camera all around the school in sec 2, so there's a bunch of 2D photos that brings back really fond memories. A picture speaks a thousand words indeed. Those photos are enough to bring back the love for our class, our classmates. Everyone was so bonded. This one touches me the most (although i still have maybe 1000 more 2d photos) :
Our first reaction was " sweet". Wonder who wrote it? ^_^
we've thought of something nice. most probably every single person in 2D will know what it'll be. But for now, it'll remain a secret :D
imagine having another gathering 5 years later. :]
All of us spent hours talking about 2D, reminiscing on the past and fooling around (that includes screaming, singing, tickling anna) TALK ABOUT TICKLING ANNA. that's FUN. there's a video on it, but Its not with me yet. ANNA KICKS AND SCREAMS AND SQUIRMS like AN EARTHWORM :D
We sang, ate (ALOT OF JUNK FOOD) and decided to take photos since ashley and ali had to leave abit early.
squeezed together in this SUPER NARROW mirror in my room. Took many failure shots before i realised my brother had a bigger one -__-
you're supposed to see "2D" there, but anna's hand got cut off D:
the swing at the balcony and my doll EMMY LOL.
closer shot :D thanks to my mom for taking these!
my mommy had to stand on a chair to take this! O:
and this cause we were lying down on the bed ^_^
our toot no fringe hairstyle in sec 2! isn't this picture cool? :D
pins and clips and hairbands does wonders hahaha!
another photo taken from the floor ^_^
We should squeeze some time for gatherings yes! Might be studying next saturday lets see how it goes ^_^ Baking sessions, Bowling, Shopping, Movies, whoooo! Those shall wait for the end of our O'levels. STUDY NOW OR DIE. actually its for myself since I can't friggin concentrate. zzz.
2D was the greatest class ever, Sheena and I were talking about it just now and damn, our sec 2 life is so much more interesting than our sec 4 life. Its just...different. Everyone feels the same, but hey we've got to love our current classes too, yeah. hmm. yah.
Its super late now, my mommy just read a tv programme saying that you'll grow fatter if you sleep less than 6 hours a day.
I BETTER DO MORE SIT UPS because I have fats at my belly. Its a result of me sleeping at 1 everyday and eating so much sweets hur.
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